June 2 - August 18, 2024

the ruthless elimination of hurry

Hurry is the issue under many other issues of our day. Dallas Willard once called hurry “the great enemy of spiritual life in our day.” Followers of Jesus are not immune to culture’s pain. The reality is, most of us are just too busy to live an emotionally healthy and spiritually vibrant life. Hurry is incompatible with the way of Jesus. The love, joy, and peace that form the nucleus of Jesus’ kingdom are all impossible in a life of speed. In this class, we will learn about how to, as Willard encouraged, “Ruthlessly eliminate hurry.”

Led by Pete Beers | Theater

prayer in action

Each Sunday morning, year-round, there is a prayer gathering where participants learn more about prayer and will spend time in specific prayer for the services. This will be a unique gathering format. Prayer times will be focusing on the speaker of the day, the work of the Holy Spirit in the services and joining together to enter worshipful prayer. 

Led by Rotating Facilitators | D3