Next Gen

Preschool through Grade 12

Exists to create a gospel-centered environment that engages the next generation and their families to serve, equip, and reach people in the life transforming work of Jesus.

We believe Jesus accomplishes this through us by…

  • Providing a safe environment for the next generation to engage in gospel-centered biblical teaching
  • Equipping healthy Jesus following leaders through development and training
  • Create fun and engaging interaction with caring adults
  • Develop and provide resources that empower parents to disciple their families


Weekly Environments


Our next generation gatherings focus on creating a gospel-centered, safe environment with caring adults. Our goal is to create opportunities for the next generation to engage in age-appropriate gospel centered lessons, fun activities, and positive interactions with caring adults. This environment results in empowering kids with gospel-centered truth they can practically live out.


Each minor participating in ministry events, activities, and classes must be checked in for safety purposes. Nursery-4th grade children are checked in by their parents or guardians and provided with a guardian sticker to be used for pick-up. 5-12th grade will be checked in the participating environment. Parents of Nursery-24 months are issued a pager when their child is dropped off.


Volunteers and Staff


Our volunteers and staff serve on a regular basis and have been vetted through a thorough screening process that includes a questionnaire, interview, and PA Child Safety Clearances. Additionally, volunteers are provided with ongoing opportunities for development and training to be well equipped for serving the next generation.

Group Info & Resources

LAC Kids

LAC Students