You are welcome to be a part of the worship ministry at LAC. Here is how we define worship: Worship is a Spirit-led, intentional response to who God is and what He has done (and continues to do) in our lives.
According to this definition, worship can (and should) happen throughout our services. It happens through prayer, giving, singing, and studying together. We are very intentional about being a place that prioritizes participation over performance. So when considering music, for example, we do our best to make sure songs are familiar (both old and new), we seek after songs that are singable (both in key and melody), and we make room for a variety of ways for people to get involved.
So how would you like to plug in? We have choirs, a small orchestra, praise band, praise singers, and those who bless the congregation with various special numbers (solos, worship dance) during our services.
Fill out the form below to begin the dialogue.